

Hi, I'm Erinn.

I'm a wife, a designer, an artist, a daughter, sister, friend and child of God.  I find joy in creating things with my hands, dating my husband, being surrounded by my family and  friends, hanging out with little kids, but I most of all find joy in my relationship with my heavenly Father.

I am married to Justin. We have made our home for now in Minnesota after being married in October, 2011.  We grew up in West Michigan and moved out here for his current job as a Worship Leader. We love being in ministry and where God has called us.

I am a Graphic Designer  by trade and an artist at heart. My freelance company is called RinnDesign.  I believe design is much more than just a pretty thing to look at.  Design for me is a calling and a means to communicate to the world and also to create life.

This blog is based on the verse: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecc. 3:1

 This blog will document our lives; including our careers, our marriage, DIY projects, design, music, our love for God and love for people.

We hope you stop by often and enjoy reading!

The Schaaps