
Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15th

Usually April 15 is an intense day for many. Tax day! Even as I write this, I sit in a room writing where another meeting is happening.  A woman is meeting with her accountant talking about her taxable income, non-taxable things, and a bunch of other jibberish that is way over my head. One thing I heard her say was "Lord, have mercy on me."  I pray he does, lady!

This day for me is very different ever since last year, it is the day my husband (then boyfriend) PROPOSED! One year ago today I was getting on an airplane in South Bend, Indiana going to see my boyfriend in Minneapolis for the weekend.  A fun trip.  But many of you know how crazy the story gets!
If you'd like to read about the story check it out at my old blog here:

Anyway, just wanted to reminisce of that sweet day "April 15" that no longer will have a bad connotation in our book.

We have been married 6 months and have been through a lot, but seen God's hand through it all.  It makes me so happy to see the joy on our faces in this photo!

Hope this day can be a little brighter for you all.

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